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This group has been put together for fans of Gary Numan and visitors of the Numanme site, to discuses all things Numan sell/trade share stories and images from all aspects of Numan's career.

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Numanme Radio Podcast will be playing you some of the best Classic Alternative, New Wave, Dark Wave, Synth-Pop, and Punk. Also, a staple diet of Gary Numan/Tubeway Army without question. Shows will be updated here when they become available.

Photo Gallery

These galleries contain Gary Numan related photographs. ranging form the Tubeway Army days to present day. Feel free to browse and if you would like to add any of your own images please get in touch.

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Frequently Asked Questions


Welcome to the Numanme FAQ. If you have any difficulty finding the information you need, please contact us and we'll try to help. Click on the question to reveal the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.

When did Numanme start?

Numanme is old, first established on June-1-1999.

Why did you start Numanme?

As a simple homage to Gary, but as you can see it has grown and grown into what I think a very useful site, covering many aspects of Gary's career. This site is simply trying to show the world that Gary has done so much in he's career and life did not stop after cars. This site is dedicated to promote Gary Numan in a positive way. For more info see The History of Numanme!

You did not answer my email, why?

I would like to be able to respond to each email that comes in, even if to just say 'thanks' but sometimes there isn't the time to reply to all emails but I do try. If you write and do not receive a reply, please do not take it personally.

Are you Gary Numan?

No, this site is not run by or affiliated with Gary Numan in anyway. It is a simply fan based site.

Who pays for this website?

All of the cost for running this site is paid for from my own pocket.

Is this Gary Numan's Official Site?

No, this is not Gary Numan official site. You can find the official site at http://www.numan.co.uk/.

Can I help with this site?

I am always looking for help on this site. If you are interested in finding articles, pictures and television shows related to Gary Numan, just send me an e-mail. Give me feedback. Tell me what I've missed or gotten wrong or report broken links and help me make this site better. Tell your friends about this site. If you have a site link to Numanme.

How can I send stuff to the site?

Most things can be sent via email i.e. pictures, MP3s if you are sending bulk MP3s then you can upload them here. Please remember to send us an email letting us know about your upload. If you are sending a DVD OR CD then simply send a request via email for our address. Remember most things can be sent by email, if you need help please contact us.

Can I use pictures from this site?

All images and the design of this site are copyright by Numanme. All pictures of Gary Numan may be used as you please. However, I kindly ask that you do NOT link them from this site.

Who designed this site?

Numanme designed this site.

Who hosts this site?

The site and forum is hosted by Fasthosts Internet.

I have a bootleg you haven't listed. Can I suggest it for inclusion?

Yes, contributions to the site are welcome. Please use our contact form for any correspondence. Any decision made to accept these contributions is at our discretion.

Do you have any bootlegs for sale or trade?

We at Numanme do not sell or make Bootlegs, so no we don't sell, but as collectors we are always happy to buy if the price is right.

What are "bootlegs"?

A bootleg recording is an audio or video recording of a performance that was not officially released by the artist or under other legal authority. The process of making and distributing such recordings is known as bootlegging.

A great many such recordings are simply copied and traded among fans of the artist without financial exchange, but some bootleggers are able to sell these rarities for profit, sometimes by adding professional-quality sound engineering and packaging to the raw material. Bootlegs can consist of recordings of live performances or material created in private or professional recording sessions.

Changing technologies have had a great impact on the recording, distribution, and varying profitability of the underground industry. The copyrights for the song and the right to authorize recordings often reside with the artist, according to several international copyright treaties.

The recording, trading and sale of bootlegs continues to thrive, however, even as artists and record companies attempt to provide "authorized" alternatives to satisfy the demand..

Is buying/selling bootlegs "wrong"?

Legally-speaking, yes. Morally, you'll have to decide for yourself. If you DO buy "bootlegs" or other unofficial merchandise (for example, t-shirts at a concert that are not printed/sold within the venue), realize that you're almost certainly breaking the law, and one way or another, taking money out of the artist's pocket.

How do you find the time to do this?

I manage my time very carefully. I work on this site whenever I can (mornings, nights, weekends, vacations), I don't sleep much, and I avoid heavy meals and dinners and the wife LOL.

How often will you update this site?

At least once a week, hopefully more often. My plan is to constantly revise material whenever and as often as I can, both in light of new events surrounding Gary Numan. Nothing on this site should be taken as a final product, and everything is subject to updating.

How long can you keep this up?

Honestly, I don't know. This site will grow over time and it will spread, but as important as this is to me, it's not the only thing in my life and I am just one guy. But hopefully with help from fellow fans providing information it will make the task of keeping the site up to date easier.

What Resolution was Numanme designed in?

Numanme was designed to be viewed @ 1024 x 768, but you can also view it @ 800 x 600, to get the best from Numanme I do advise you to view the site @ 1024 x 768.

Why is the music on Numanme not MP3?

The samples on the site are in MP3 format, players are HTML5 cross-browser compatible.

Why only samples of songs and not full length songs?

The below message will explain all.

Polite Notice To Numan Site Authors.

I appreciate the effort that you all put into your sites, I really do. BUT. Anyone that thinks putting entire songs on-line in near CD quality MP3 format is helping my career in any way is sadly mistaken. Lesser quality samples are still illegal but infinitely more acceptable to me. Let's be honest, I'm hardly a big seller am I, and so giving my songs away is a bizarre way of trying to help. In the future anyone putting up MP3 files of entire Numan songs (clips of tracks don't bother me) will be removed from this page. I have no wish to get heavy, I will not inform the various authorities in any country, but I'm buggered if I'm going to link to people that I genuinely believe are harming me.

Whether you agree with me or not, giving my music away is NOT your decision to make!

Gary Numan.

What is the video Media format on Numanme?

Predominately the site uses Youtube for its music and Video source and all players are HTML5 cross-browser compatible.

I can not install flash wallpapers on Windows system?

Windows  no longer supports ActiveX wallpaper feature which allows flash wallpapers.

How can I find a FAQ on the forum?

When entering the forum look for the ? button at the top of the page.

How can I find the Forum Rules and Policies?

When entering the forum look for the ? button at the top of the page.

Why don't you watermark the images on this site?

Well its simple watermarks look ugly, and as I don't legally own the copyright of the picture or album art so what is the point unless I got a big ego. Having numanme.co.uk would serve no purpose at all, in my opinion it just spoils the viewing pleasure of visitors to the site.

What is the best browser to view your website in ?

This website will function better using any of the following web browsers. To see the benefits of full page viewing press F11 on your keyboard. F11 to return to normal.

DuckDuckGo Edge Firefox Chrome Opera

Site uptime and down time ?

The availability and response time of our website is monitored by siteuptime.com. We try to ensure that our website is always available. However, there may be times when maintenance is required or we have technical problems. If we know in advance that there are periods when our service is likely to be interrupted then we will try to publish details of this. We have set our Internet service standard at 98% availability. If the long term availability (excluding periods when there is planned maintenance) drops below 98% we will take this as an indication that there is a problem with our Internet service which needs to be fixed.

What do I do if my question is not here?

Feel free to email us. Email