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Record: 115 (10.03.2023)

Licenses Disclaimer

numanme licenses

Numanme Radio is a non-profit fan based radio station the station, is powered by the German Laut.FM Radio Network and Fully licensed by Laut.FM.

We are DJs of the LAUT platform. FM, radios are therefore not owned by us, all rights and licenses are covered by LAUT. FM. For any information about it please contact this platform directly, they have all the answers. Below you will find the link for information. This site is exclusively a showcase of presentation.


Numanme Radio are radios of the LAUT FM circuit (which fulfills the GEMA and GVL licenses in Germany) and the streams are broadcast and hosted by LAUT. FM , (sole owners of the station) with servers located in Germany. The rights and fees on the music of this station are therefore their responsibility. No music content is directly streamed on this website. The player and the music broadcast on the radio are connected to the Laut FM platform. The mere fact that a protected work, freely available on one website, is inserted into another website by means of a link using the technique of "framing" cannot be qualified as a "communication to the public" within the meaning of art. 3, par. 1, Directive 2001/29 / EC since the work is not transmitted to a new public or communicated in a specific technical way different from that of the original communication (Order 21/10/2014, n. C-348/13 of the European Court of Justice – see also Judgment 13/02/2014, n. C-466/12 of the same). For any other information regarding the payment of royalties related to these stations, you can contact this address: Laut fm:

Seilerstraße 7
78467 Konstanz
Fax: 07531 – 69238 – 11
District Court Freiburg i. B.

All content used by Numanme Radio and posted to mention the Numanme Radio website: pictures, videos, logos, links to other websites, and all other content is completely legal and with full permission of the publishers.

This contention ingredients are being used exclusively for the promotion, as agreed with the publishers and are being used exclusively by Numanme Radio for personal use. Numanme Radio therefore takes no responsibility for distribution and / or illegal copying by third parties. This website is the responsibility of Numanme Radio, if you have any complaints or reactions you can reach us via E-mail.