Where in the ball game with 3 types of balls and can only use two balls in each level, between the ball is in the select is used to destroy the eggs in the game, and if all the eggs were destroyed then it will continue to the next level.
Click the play button on the home page, then select the level that is already open (level 1), then on the game screen for the line using the cursor shape of hand, draw a line sedimikian rrupa so that the ball can slide, because in this game uses physics, where the ball would just slide if the position of slash due to the nature of gravity. Once the line is completed select one ball, then click RUN ball will slide according line created, and when the ball rolled will exit button that rotates, Click the button to eject the power of the ball, as enlarged, spiny and splitting accordance ball in select, if in the first instance fails you only have one chance.
Mobile Friendly: Yes
This is a fun and exciting game for all ages.